Chiang Mai

Chiang Mai the Rose of the North

Known under the name of ” Rose of the North ” with its wonderful position around the river Ping, the city and its neighborhood possess a stunning natural beauty without parallel, and a unique cultural identity.


Established in 1296 by King Mengrai as capital of the Kingdom of Lanna, Chiang Mai possesses a long full history, which to a large extent, contributed to the conservation of its cultural identity. That this is visible at the same time in everyday life inhabitants who immortalized their original dialect, their customs and their cooking and also by the heritage of former fascinating temples for their architectures of style of the North of the Thailand with its numerous ornamental details.


Chiang Mai also maintains its famous tradition as center of the small business crafts, which produces silver, wooden objects, ceramic among many other things which make of the city the main destination for the purchase of the small business crafts in all the country.

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